Wang Yi Holds Talks with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj of India
2016-04-19 09:54

On April 18, 2016, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was attending the China-Russia-India Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Moscow, held talks with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj of India.

Wang Yi expressed that as neighboring countries, China and India are also two of the largest developing countries and emerging markets in the world. Against the backdrop that the world’s focus is shifting towards the Asia-Pacific region, China and India should join hands as strategic cooperative partners, which will exert positive and far-reaching influence to the region and the world. Both sides should firmly grasp the theme of development, deeply dovetail development strategies and forge a closer development partnership so as to promote an early arrival of the Asian century.

Wang Yi noted that at present, both sides should focus on the implementation of the consensus reached by both leaders, and constantly push forward China-India relations. The two countries should do a good job in mapping out high-level visits, and launching exchanges and dialogues at various levels. Both countries should support and cooperate with each other, and ensure the success of the G20 summit to be held in China and the BRICS Summit to be held in India in order to demonstrate the important roles of China and India in advancing world economic recovery and enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation among various countries under the new circumstance. Both sides should strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges in such areas as railway, investment cooperation, tourism expansion, local exchanges and pilgrimage.

Sushma Swaraj said that recent years have seen frequent high-level exchanges, booming economic and trade cooperation and active people-to-people and cultural exchanges between India and China, achieving great progress in bilateral relations. The Indian side is willing to deepen cooperation with the Chinese side so as to let the India-China relations bring constant benefits to both peoples.

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