China and Russia Reach Important Consensus on South China Sea Issue
2016-04-29 15:41

On April 29, 2016, Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with visiting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov of Russia. Wang Yi introduced China's stance on the South China Sea issue.

Sergey Lavrov expressed that Russia holds that the South China Sea issue should be resolved through political and diplomatic means such as direct dialogues and negotiations by parties concerned. Forces outside the region should not intervene. The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the relevant norms of the international law, including agreements reached between China and ASEAN countries are legal basis that should be followed.

The two Foreign Ministers reached important consensus on the South China Sea issue. Relevant disputes over the South China Sea should be settled in peaceful manners though consultations and negotiations by parties directly concerned on the basis of respecting historical facts and the international law. The international community, especially countries outside the region, should play a constructive role in maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea rather than disrupting the situation.

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