Wang Yi: China and Russia Reach New Consensus on Korean Peninsula Situation
2016-04-29 15:46

On April 29, 2016, Foreign Minister Wang Yi and visiting Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of Russia met the press together after holding talks, introducing at inquiry the consensus reached by the two sides on dealing with the Korean Peninsula situation during their talks.

Wang Yi expressed that as close neighbors to the Korean Peninsula, both China and Russia share common interests and concerns on the Korean Peninsula issue. China and Russia agreed that it serves the common interests of all parties, including China and Russia, and is in line with the spirit of the UN Security Council Resolution 2270 to realize denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, safeguard peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and solve reasonable concerns of all parties through dialogues and consultations. At present, the Korean Peninsula situation is at a high-risk period, and all parties should fully and faithfully implement Resolution 2270 by earnestly giving play to its due role in containing the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) from advancing its nuclear and missile development program. At the same time, all parties should exercise restraint and refrain from taking any actions that will aggravate conflicts and intensify tension. To fundamentally solve the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, all parties should not give up efforts to resume the Six-Party Talks, but continue to create necessary conditions to this end.

Wang Yi noted that both China and Russia express serious concerns over the possible deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system by the US in the Republic of Korea (ROK). The two sides agreed that this move goes far beyond the actual defense needs of relevant countries. Once realized, it will directly threaten the strategic security of China and Russia. Besides, this move is not conducive to resolving the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, but will only escalate the already tense situation of the Peninsula and destroy the strategic balance in the region. Countries concerned should earnestly respect the solemn positions and legitimate concerns of China and Russia.

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